Healthcare Solutions (18)
Migraines - A Functional Medicine Approach
Written by Azadeh Razavi, Hom., CCIIf you have ever suffered a migraine, you know how incredibly painful and debilitating it can be.
Lasting anywhere from a few hours to days, migraine sufferers often experience light sensitivity, vomiting, nausea, and severe throbbing pain in the head.
Seasonal Allergies - A Functional Medicine Approach
Written by Azadeh Razavi, Hom., CCISpring is a beautiful season filled with warmer days and blossoming flowers. But for those who suffer from seasonal allergies, it can mean a season of suffering with congestion, sneezing, itchy/watery eyes, and a cough that just doesn’t seem to go away.
A Functional Medicine Approach To Metabolic Disorders
Written by Azadeh Razavi, Hom., CCIIn my last blog, ‘Inflammation - the root cause of most diseases,’ I spoke about chronic inflammation as the hidden cause of most diseases. Over time, this inflammation can result in many health issues, including Metabolic Disorders.
Inflammation - the hidden root cause of most diseases
Written by Azadeh Razavi, Hom., CCIFatigue. We all suffer from it at one point or another. But when you are chronically tired, paired with other symptoms like brain fog and Insomnia, it may be more than just your average tiredness.
Estrogen Dominance - the impact of hormones on our health
Written by Azadeh Razavi, Hom., CCIAre you a woman suffering from weight gain, mood swings, hair loss, and increased PMS symptoms, to name a few? If so, you may be suffering from Estrogen dominance.
SIBO - no longer a mystery illness
Written by Azadeh Razavi, Hom., CCII can’t tell you how many clients walk through my doors reporting unexplained GI symptoms and/or skin conditions. And in a large majority of cases, SIBO is the cause.
Have you heard of the gut-brain connection?
As a Functional Medicine Practitioner, I view the body as a whole, with each individual area impacting and affecting the other. And the more we learn about the body, the more we understand just how connected each individual part is.
Detox - A Functional Medicine tool
Written by Azadeh Razavi, Hom., CCIDoes this sound familiar? Over the holidays, you indulged and enjoyed every moment and delicious bite of food.
Why I became a Functional Medicine Practitioner
Written by Azadeh Razavi, Hom., CCI“I help my clients discover the root cause of their health issues using not only my biochemistry background but through thorough discovery, specialized tests, and natural supplements.”
Eat the Rainbow Diet and Supercharge Your Health
Written by Ronald GrisantiOne of the most important things you can do to improve your health is to eat a plant-rich diet.
Plant-rich means that the majority of your diet consists of plant foods while at the same time adding an adequate amount of quality protein and healthy fats (avocados, coconuts, and nuts).
Winter’s extreme weather can cause the skin on your face, body, hands, and feet to dry out. Cold weather slows the function of your sebaceous oil glands so they produce less oil, leaving your skin less protected and less able to efficiently retain moisture. And in winter, your skin is exposed not only to low temperatures, wind, and dry air outdoors but also to warm, artificially heated air indoors. Both make your skin thirsty.
Many of us take for granted that we can comfortably breathe year-round but for others, the welcoming warmth of spring’s sunshine stimulates a full orchestra of pollens stepping up their dissemination everywhere, and wreaking havoc on those who are allergic to specific pollens. Some conifers, alder wood, & birch pollens are some of the worst offenders in the spring, with grass pollens following in June and ragweed in the late summer.
Which immune system boosters have research to back their effectiveness, and which one is right for you? These 5 immune system supplements have all been shown to help prevent viral respiratory infections like the flu and the common cold in human studies.