5885 Rodeo Drive Unit 5, Mississauga, Ontario L5R 4C1, Canada

Mo - Fri: 11.00 to 18.00, Sat - Sun: 11.00 to 17.00



Iridology is the science of analyzing the iris of the eye. It is a unique form of health analysis -a simple and painless, non-invasive method of analysis. It reveals inflammation, where located, and in what stage it is manifesting.

The iris reveals body constitution, inherent weaknesses, level of health, and the transitions that take place in a person's body according to the way he lives.

Iridology helps people prevent diseases. The iris shows the states of the tissue in the body, they also record changes long before clinical symptoms develop. Having an iridological consultation gives you a better understanding of your health so that you can improve it and have a better quality of life.


Iridology reveals constitutional strength - How does the body endure stress.

It reveals inherent strength and weakness.

It reveals nutritional needs.

It reveals the location of environmentally obtained toxic accumulations.

It reveals the condition of the nervous system

It reveals the acid/catarrh levels in the body.

It reveals the overall health level of the body.


It does not name diseases.

It does not reveal operations performed under anesthesia- nerve impulses are short-circuited under these conditions.

It does not reveal pregnancy- such a condition is normal to the female body. It does not reveal gallstones.

It is not a psychic analysis.

It cannot tell specific pathology in the body.

It cannot pinpoint the location of parasites, germs, or bacterial invasion. It does show, however, the condition of the tissue and the development of a host situation.

Contact Information



lacation25885 Rodeo Dr., Mississauga, 

Ontario L5R 4C1, Canada

© Heartland Natural Clinic. Designed By ltheme

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Opening Hours

  • Monday: 11.00am–6.00pm
  • Tuesday: 11.00am–6.00pm
  • Wednesday:11.00am–6.00pm
  • Thursday: 11.00am–6.00pm
  • Friday: 11.00am–6.00pm
  • Saturday: 11.00am–5.00pm
  • Sunday:  11.00am–5.00pm